A VPN allows you to safely and securely stream global content from your Smart TV. Because VPN installation varies by TV, we’ve put together guides for installing a VPN on smart TV. Almost every smart TV can be connected to a VPN, but the most straightforward method varies slightly depending on the smart TV. Here are a few of the most practical methods for connecting a VPN. If you own an Android/Google TV device Similarly, if your smart TV runs Google’s Android operating system, you can set up a VPN on it by downloading your VPN’s app from the Play Store and installing it directly on your TV. The potentially more difficult (and costly) route If your TV does not run the Android operating system, one method for setting up a VPN on your smart TV is to run a VPN connection through a router. However, proceed with caution. Because not all routers support VPN connections, you’ll need to buy one if you don’t already have one. If you have Fire TV What You’ll Require

A smart tv. Obviously, the most important part. The process will be easier if you have an Android TV, but it is possible with almost every Smart TV on the market. A VPN membership. However, make sure it’s from a reputable VPN provider; depending on the method you use, it may also need to be router compatible. A connection to the internet. A WiFi or Ethernet connection will suffice, but they must be connected in slightly different ways.